Understanding Diastasis
Diastasis Recti is often caused by internal pressure on the front of your abdomen around your belly button as a result of obesity or pregnancy. Adominal muscle connective tissues (linea alba) stretch and weaken at the mid-line. The left and right sides of the abs look and feel seperated. Diastasis recti refers to the thinning of the linea alba. Excessive intra-abdominal pressure means the pressure inside your abdominal and pelvic cavity, is pushing outwards at the front (that’s your diastasis popping out, or even a hernia), downwards (right onto your pelvic floor) or upwards (compromising optimal breathing as well as messing with your whole shoulder girdle and upper body alignment).
A Diastasis Recti looks like a ridge, which runs down the middle of your belly area. The protruding bulge can stretch from the bottom of your breastbone to your belly button, and increases with muscle straining. Diastasis Recti is not a hernia - a umbilical hernia and diastasis recti can co-exist, but are not related.
Complications from Diastasis
When the abdominal muscles separate, it weakens your entire core’s support system — resulting in a severe pelvic tilt, lower back pain and that dreaded “mommy tummy ” or “pooch.” Here are some complications you may face from untreated Diastasis. If you encounter any of the items on this list please have your abdomin checked for Diastasis.
Tummy Pooch
Weak Core Muscles
Lower Back Pain
Urine Leakage
Poor Posture
Pelvic floor dysfunction
Pelvic Girdle Pain
constipation and weak trunk muscles in children
Who is at risk for Diastasis and why?
Diastasis recti can happen to men, women, and even babies. An increase in abdominal pressure can occur as a result of an expanding waistline, either due to a growing baby or weight gain - really overweight.. It can also stem from years of intense ab work.
Heavy lifting the wrong way, obesity, and Pregnant women who typically:
are expecting mulitples
Having more than one child makes this condition more likely, especially if they’re close in age.
have had abdominal separation with a previous pregnancy
are very petite
have a pronounced sway back or poor abdominal muscle tone
Some children are born with a separation, or develop one as they learn how to sit up or roll over. You will see a ridge in the middle of their abdominals that runs from their ribs down to their lower abdomen.
Heavy lifting the wrong way and yo yo dieting are two of the most common reasons men can have diastasis recit. Men have a rather unique pattern of rectus diastasis – a midline bulge that is located between the umbilicus and the sternum.
"Diastasis Recti often reveals itself with pooching or doming of your stomach, sometimes making you appear as if you are pregnant - men included."