People just like you have been successful in repairing their DR "Baby Belly" without needing surgery.
Read some of our success stories below to become inspired and know that you can do it too!
Success stories
Time to Get Inspired
" Rachelle is very caring, professional, easy to talk to, a great listener and most importantly an expert in the care and recovery of those suffering with diastasis recti and pelvic floor issues. I recommend her very highly. " - Dana
Three back to back large pregnancies left my abdominals with a 3 & 1/2 finger width separation by my belly button. No matter how much weight I lost i still had a bulge making me look like I was in the early stages of pregnancy.
When I heard of Rachelle, I was very hopeful that she could help me repair my diastasis recti. Not only was Rachelle extremely knowledgeable about how to fix a separation but utterly confident that it could and would be fixed. She knew my condition would not be permanent if i was committed to fixing it. I literally cried at the thought of correcting my separation without having to undergo an invasive surgical procedure. I thought to myself, I have nothing to lose by trying to fix my condition with physical therapy. I am so happy that i did!! Within the first two weeks of learning and doing a breathing technique coupled with abdominal exercises that Rachelle taught me, I started to see results. The gap in my abdominal midline was slowly closing! I never could have done it without Rachelle's expertise and caring. She is the best! I can proudly say that Rachelle provided me the tools to fix my abdominal separation.
I also want to add that Rachelle has a flexible schedule; i never had any trouble with scheduling appointments. And another big plus is that there is never a wait! You will be very happy with choosing Rachelle as your phyisical therapist. - Dana


Dana's Story
Kim's Story
" I honestly don’t know where to begin to thank Rachelle properly for her help with my Diastisis Recti and Hernia." - Kimberlee


I was told by my doctor that I had a very large abdominal separation (5 fingers) after having my son as well as a Hernia that could require surgery to fix. Being a Dancer and Pilates instructor, this was devastating to me since there was so many movements I could no longer to due to the Hernia and Diastisis Recti. I was so upset. I luckily found Rachelle at Lotus Physical Therapy and her knowledge and expertise was instrumental in not only reversing my hernia but also closing my abdominal separation.
I followed every exercise and guideline Rachelle gave me through her Core Connection program and I can say that my abdominal separation is now currently closed, my stomach is back to being flat just like it was pre-pregnancy. I truly believe that Rachelle is a gem and it’s so important for woman to understand their abdominals during and after pregnancy. She is an incredible Physical Therapist and I truly am so thankful I found her.” Kimberlee
I am a Mom of Multiples! I carried my triplets til 31 weeks; they are happy, healthy and thriving. I was left exhausted, in a downward emotional spiral and with a massive problem. The expansion of my belly was exactly what was necessary to carry my babies but I had to close the "gap", a near 5 inch gap of my diastasis recti. Some gap is to be expected but this one would not recover without serious intervention!
She not only "gave me back my body" but she helped in regaining my livelihood.
In walks Rachelle. Kind, gentle, funny and honest. We immediately felt like friends and like all good friends, she really wanted to help me heal and recover so I could get on to the good stuff in life. My gap was akin to the loss of a limb. I could not get up from a chair without assistance. I could not lift any thing without hurting my back. I basically needed help for the most simple of tasks and it was infuriating to say the least. Rachelle and I worked together for nearly a year. Consistency was key, even when I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, Rachelle's constant encouragement gave me the necessary nudge to get on with it. - Valerie
" She not only "gave me back my body" but she helped in regaining my livelihood." - Valerie
Valerie's Story

After the birth of my first child and learning that I had diastasis, I was so grateful to find Rachelle. She helped me to significantly close a 4 finger gap before getting pregnant again and educated me on what is safe/unsafe to do while closing a diastasis. This information was especially valuable to me as a yoga practitioner and teacher. I continued to see Rachelle during my second pregnancy and now once again postpartum. I am confident that I will heal completely through her personalized abdominal exercises, hands-on treatment and expertise on the postpartum body. In addition to being very knowledgeable, Rachelle is warm-hearted, personable, professional and encouraging. Her PT appointments are thoroughly enjoyable and motivating. I highly recommend her practice. - Jen
Jen's Story

Submit Your Testimonial or Diastasis Recovery Story!
If you're a previous or current client and would like to write a review or share your DR recovery story to help inspire others please do so below. I would love to hear from you!